Colin O’Mahoney

Colin O’Mahoney (he/him) is a writer and editor who has had comic and prose work published in Ireland, England, America, South America, and the internet. He is currently working on several graphic novel pitches, and is the lead writer on a yet-to-be-announced children’s TV show. He just loves writing, and if you ever try to stop him you will be sorry. Because he will cry, and it will be really embarrassing for everyone.
Colin also teaches creative writing and comic-making, and is passionate about the benefits of creativity, and self expression, particularly for young people.
He lives in Cork, Ireland, with his wife Aileen, and two cats. They are currently building a bunker designed for the myriad types of apocalypse the modern world threatens (climate, nuclear, A.I, idiocy, unicorn, etc.) The cats have not been particularly helpful in this project.