Limit Break Presents #2 – Panel at Dublin Comic Con
Limit Break had two pieces of recent good news to celebrate with our Summer 2024 Dublin Comic Con Panel at 1pm on Sunday 25th August 2024; the release of Limit Break Presents #2 and the July announced expansion of the Limit Break Team. This panel focused on the three comics within Limit Break Present’s #2 and allowed new LB Team Members an opportunity to speak about their first published LB worked, since having officially joined the team.

Following the theme of “Secrets” with LBP #1, #2 focused on the theme of “Lies” and featured the following stories and creative teams:
- Colin O’Mahony as Writer
- Mari Rolin as Illustrator and Colourist
- Aileen Cudmore as Letterer

Mirror, Mirror
- Paul Carroll and Writer, Colourist and Letterer
- James Killian as Illustrator

The Old Man & the Peacock
- Seamus Kavanagh as Writer
- Eoin Barclay as Illustrator and Colourist
- Alice Coleman as Letterer

The three 8-pages stories featured political lies, a horror event and the worst sort of lie, that of lying to oneself. The Panellists took the opportunity to speak about their respective roles in contributing writing, art and design work to this collective piece.
The Panel
With the opening story, Victory, Colin referenced a desire to write a piece that told a full story while travelling backwards through time and the challenge that presented. Mari then spoke about her choice to move ahead with traditional artwork for this project and detailed the watercolour process of bringing visual life to Colin’s script.
Paul and James shared equal excitement to highlight the double-page spread element from their story, Mirror, Mirror. Even with a large body of work behind each, this was the first published double page comic book element for both Creatives and they were keen to show off their respective process and angles for this. As Designer for the book as a whole, Paul spoke of his added relief when the printed book arrived and these pages displayed as intended.
With the final story, The Old Man and the Peacock, Writer Seamus Kavanagh highlighted a desired challenge to write something out of his regular skillset, something referred to as “delightfully stupid” and showcased a video which inspired him to do so. Illustrator Eoin went through his process from sketches, to thumbnails, final line artwork and then colouring, all while displaying some time-lapsed videos depicting these actions on screen behind the panel. Alice then closed on the delicate balance she took to lettering on this project, commenting that while the action was loud across the artwork, she chose to take a subtle approach to lettering on this project as overall, the artwork needed to be the focal point for the full vibe of this story to be felt.

This panel was well received by the audience, who were full of questions for twenty minutes following the presentation. As always, Limit Break are thankful to Dublin Comic Con for facilitating an LB panel on their schedule. All of the Creatives on LBP #2 were passionate about creating comics and they really came through as each enthusiastically explained their process behind their respective contributions. Making comics is expensive and this can be prohibitive yet group projects such as Limit Break Presents allow Irish Comic Creators an opportunity to have their work published and showcased, encouraging further work.
Within Limit Break, we look forward to future Irish comics being released through Limit Break Presents and to more Irish comics in general. There’s certainly space for more and we’re always eager to enjoy them.
This piece written by Seamus Kavanagh.