Press Release: Limit Break Comics to Launch Fractured Realms at Thought Bubble 2023
Limit Break Comics to Launch Fractured Realms at Thought Bubble 2023
November 8th, 2023, Dublin
Dublin based comic collective Limit Break Comics is set to launch Fractured Realms, an anthology of Norse Horror comics, at Thought Bubble 2023. The book is the third myth-anthology to be published by Limit Break Comics, following the success of Turning Roads and Down Below.
Fractured Realms is edited by Paul Carroll and Gary Moloney, and received support from the Arts Council’s Literature Project Award. The anthology contains 24 short comics from Irish and international creators, including work from industry professionals such as Rapha Lobosco, Triona Farrell, Dearbhla Kelly, and Ryan Estrada, alongside Limit Break regulars Colin Craker, John McGuinness, Alice Coleman, Seamus Kavanagh, and Aaron Fever.
Series editor Paul Carroll said, “This trilogy of books has given Limit Break Comics the opportunity to showcase the enormous wealth of talent in the indie comics scene internationally, and in particular from Irish creators. This has only been made possible through crowdfunding, the invaluable support of the Arts Council, and the continued engagement and trust from the comics community.
“Launching the book at Thought Bubble is a celebration of the efforts of all those involved. The convention is vital to the comic scene for Irish and UK creators alike, and provides a much-needed platform for creators from all over to meet and network. Limit Break Comics has been greeted warmly at the convention from day one, and we’re thrilled to be able to publish so many of its regulars in our books.”
Co-editor Gary Moloney said, “It’s a joy to be able to share Fractured Realms with you at long last, the final part of our trilogy of books inspired by ancient mythology. And yet, there’s also a bittersweetness to bringing this era of our anthologies to a close. What’s surprised me most about editing this particular project was the depths from which our contributors would pull inspiration. They did their research and never went for the obvious hook. The protagonists of the Edda -Thor and the Aesir- are well-represented in this collection, as you might expect, but so too are the creatures and fables of wider Nordic folklore. In that way it’s a fitting conclusion to our series, balancing the oral tradition explored in Turning Roads with the more classical tales discussed in Down Below.
“If you had told me five years ago that we’d have published three graphic novel-sized anthologies with this calibre of creators, I don’t think I’d have believed you. Limit Break Comics has always been about encouraging people to push themselves to the next level of their creative potential. It’s been a privilege to see our frequent collaborators rise to that challenge with each subsequent book and to see that mentality reflected in the newer members of our family. I’m particularly happy to see many of those who have graced these pages go on to have massive success in mainstream comics. This all began as a commitment between a small group of friends to give each other feedback and keep us honest, I’m honoured to be a part of Limit Break and have watched it grow into this platform for emerging Irish and international talent.”
Fractured Realms is the thirteenth book to be published by Limit Break Comics. Earlier this year, the collective-publisher celebrated its fifth birthday and a nomination in the European Science Fiction Society Hall of Fame Awards for Best Publisher.
Limit Break Comics is a Dublin-based comic collective, founded in 2018 on the back of a shared desire to see small press comics grow in Ireland. It is made up of Paul Carroll, Gareth Luby, Gary Moloney and Seamus Kavanagh.
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Contact Information:
Contact Person: Paul Carroll
Valhalla Awaits.
In a new anthology from Limit Break Comics, explore the fall of man at the end of times, the horrors of beasts straight out of myth, the dreadful actions of men who know no bounds, and the chilling truth of nature when the wheel of violence turns for too long.
The old gods might have their deaths foretold, but that doesn’t mean they can’t suffer a little bit first.

Cover art by Nick Roche and JP Jordan.
Creator list (alphabetical by surname):
Sarah Amundson, Kaydee Artistry, Sierra Barnes, Daniel Beals, Nick Bryan, Patrick Buermeyer, Vinicius Carreiro, Paul Carroll, Alice Coleman, Colin Craker, Aaron Cruz, Robert Cullen, Ryan Estrada, Anna Everts, Triona Farrell, Aaron Fever, Benjamin Filby, KG Gaynier, Oliver Gerlach, Adam Gilbert, Travis B Hill, Sean Hogan, DC Hopkins, Ben Humeniuk, Liam Johnson, Rob Jones, Seamus Kavanagh, Dearbhla Kelly, James Killian, Rapha Lobosco, Andriy Lukin, Michiums, Marin, Hugh Madden, Aline Martins Dos Santos, Adlai McCook, John McGuinness, Alyssa Meier, Mariana Meira, Gavin Mitchell, Chris Mole, Gary Moloney, Oscar Osorio, Chris Panda, Benjamin Paulus, Christian Abel Peña, Lan Pitts, Nikki Powers, Jack Reikel, Andrea Schiavone, Rae Stevenson, Gustaffo Vargas.